Food additives are sweeteners we deliberately add to foods without perhaps reasoning out what consequences awaits us.
Given that food is the topmost item among the three basic elements of existence, driving people into wagon full of food additives takes few if any to raise their eyebrows. It is significant that we prefer sweet things tasted by our mouths to reasoning out why they are sweet.
Harmful food additives have devastating effects on our bodies. These effects are in three categories. The first category elaborates on harmful effects felt after a short span of time. For example, experiencing heartburn immediately after taking a given curry spices.
The second category’s effects come after long duration following additives consumption.
The last category is made up of food additives we take without manufacturers’ knowledge of consequences of consumption. The cause of this is improper length of time in performing scientific research.
But why do manufacturers create harmful food additives?
And why do vendors stock these harmful food additives?
For the second question we are taken as untrained, uneducated and unknowledgeable. Frequently, we do not read or attend seminars to know harmful ingredients which may be part of food additives.
How did food additives come up?
Diversity of use of food additives in cattle was extended to human. The effect was already with the cattle because they were being fattened to meet the swelling human population. It is still being practiced without near future end. Remember true herbivorous do not fall sick due food intake! Their food is natural and nature will never destroy those who do not destroy it.
The toxic additives hide the following unwanted agonies:
1. Make you have high blood pressure
2. Give you cancer
3. Cause hormone imbalances
4. Cause you to get diabetes
5. Give you heart disease
6. Make you fat , to name just a few
All these causes and many others are preventable … They are said to manmade diseases and can be minimized and eventually eliminated with the proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Food manufacturers are not going to tell you the truth about the additives they put in your food!
The FDA is not going to protect you too. FDA officials have been known to leave the FDA and go to work for the food industry. Food industry officials have been given positions in the FDA. This is what the Townsend Letter for Doctors called “The Revolving Door of Employment” between the FDA and the food industry. It’s happened in the past and it’s still happening now.
What great tool can use before you purchase your food?
We have more than one tool to do this:
Chemical ingredients label
This is the first place will stop at to know the inside of the pack. Unfortunately some of the packs are cleverly labeled to ward off your attention. Like one spicy beef flavor has two of its end products given as
…flavor enhancers and permitted food coloring.
With this please do not just do the job of stashing it into your purchase basket. Try your best and get to know what transpires when such products are being packed but at best being made. Go deeper to crack the effect of each of the constituent on your body. If you are not certain pay a food specialist (nutritionist) visits. It is safer to pay a consultation fee than to detoxicate yourself.
Food mags and books
These materials are good to give you fast hand information. Do be cautious however not to go for sales promotion books. Sales promotion will conceal toxicity of products being promoted. You start with this Food Additives-Best Tips
Audio-Visual products (Audio CDs and DVDs)
The major advantage of the two they do not tie you down and stop you from using other parts of your body. Visual aspect seems to do better as it ties two of the five common senses to drive information into you – sight and audibility.
Here are some you:
Here are some you:
This is the most immense and resourceful reservoir you can get anywhere and anytime.
Food additives should not be a nightmare to your neighbor if you can help. Please let’s extend our hands to assist one close to us so as to make healthy decisions, too.